Create and integrate your algorithm in workflows#

Creating and integrating your own algorithms into workflows can be a powerful way to automate and streamline your data processing tasks.

In this document, we will provide an overview of the steps involved in creating and integrating your own algorithm into a workflow using the Ikomia API.

Algorithm creation with ikomia-cli#

The Ikomia API provides a command-line interface tool called ikomia-cli that can be used to create a new algorithm. Here’s how to get started:

  1. First, make sure you have the ikomia-cli tool installed. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install 'ikomia-cli[full]'
  1. Once you have installed ikomia-cli, you can create a new algorithm by running the following command:

ikcli algo local create my_first_algo

This will create a new directory called “my_first_algo” in “Ikomia/Plugins/Python/” directory. Inside this directory, you will find several files that make up your algorithm.

  1. The main file of your algorithm is “”. This file contains the Python code that implements your algorithm. You can open this file in a text editor or IDE to begin editing it. Here’s an example of what this file might look like:

import copy

from ikomia import core, dataprocess

# --------------------
# - Class to handle the process parameters
# - Inherits core.CWorkflowTaskParam from Ikomia API
# --------------------
class MyFirstAlgoParam(core.CWorkflowTaskParam):

    def __init__(self):
        # Place default value initialization here
        # Example : self.windowSize = 25

    def set_values(self, params):
        # Set parameters values from Ikomia application
        # Parameters values are stored as string and accessible like a python dict
        # Example : self.windowSize = int(params["windowSize"])

    def get_values(self):
        # Send parameters values to Ikomia application
        # Create the specific dict structure (string container)
        params = {}
        # Example : params["windowSize"] = str(self.windowSize)
        return params

# --------------------
# - Class which implements the process
# - Inherits core.CWorkflowTask or derived from Ikomia API
# --------------------
class MyFirstAlgo(core.CWorkflowTask):

    def __init__(self, name, param):
        core.CWorkflowTask.__init__(self, name)
        # Add input/output of the process here
        # Example :  self.add_input(dataprocess.CImageIO())
        #           self.add_output(dataprocess.CImageIO())

        # Create parameters class
        if param is None:

    def get_progress_steps(self):
        # Function returning the number of progress steps for this process
        # This is handled by the main progress bar of Ikomia application
        return 1

    def run(self):
        # Core function of your process
        # Call begin_task_run() for initialization

        # Examples :
        # Get input :
        # task_input = self.get_input(index_of_input)

        # Get output :
        # task_output = self.get_output(index_of_output)

        # Get parameters :
        # param = self.get_param_object()

        # Get image from input/output (numpy array):
        # src_image = task_input.get_image()

        # Call to the process main routine
        # dst_image = ...

        # Set image of input/output (numpy array):
        # task_output.set_image(dst_image)

        # Step progress bar:

        # Call end_task_run() to finalize process

# --------------------
# - Factory class to build process object
# - Inherits dataprocess.CTaskFactory from Ikomia API
# --------------------
class MyFirstAlgoFactory(dataprocess.CTaskFactory):

    def __init__(self):
        # Set process information as string here = "my_first_algo" = "your short description" = "your description"
        # relative path -> as displayed in Ikomia Studio process tree = "Plugins/Python" = "1.0.0"
        # = "your path to a specific icon" = "algorithm author" = "title of associated research article" = "publication journal" = 2022 = "MIT License"
        # URL of documentation = ""
        # Code source repository = ""
        # Keywords used for search = "your,keywords,here"

    def create(self, param=None):
        # Create process object
        return MyFirstAlgo(, param)

As you can see, there are 3 classes:

  • One for the parameters

  • One for the core algorithm

  • One for the meta-data description.

  1. By default, this algorithm does nothing. Let’s create an algorithm that takes 1 input image and outputs a Canny edge detection of it.

To do this, you need to edit the __init__() function in MyFirstAlgo class:

class MyFirstAlgo(core.CWorkflowTask):
    def __init__(self, name, param):
        core.CWorkflowTask.__init__(self, name)
        # Add input/output of the process here
        self.add_input(dataprocess.CImageIO()) # <-- Add input object of type image
        self.add_output(dataprocess.CImageIO()) # <-- Add output object of type image
        # Create parameters class
        if param is None:

You now have an algorithm which takes 1 input image and outputs 1 image.

Then, you can edit the run() function like this (don’t forget to import cv2) :

import cv2
def run(self):
    # Core function of your process
    # Call begin_task_run() for initialization

    # Examples :
    # Get input :
    task_input = self.get_input(0) # <-- Get first input object

    # Get output :
    task_output = self.get_output(0) # <-- Get first output object

    # Get input image (numpy array):
    src_image = task_input.get_image() # <-- Get image from your input object

    # Call to the process main routine
    dst_image = cv2.Canny(src_image, threshold1=100, threshold2=200) # <-- Use OpenCV Canny edge detector

    # Set output image (numpy array):
    task_output.set_image(dst_image) # <-- Set processed image to your output object

    # Step progress bar:

    # Call end_task_run() to finalize process
  1. Your algorithm is now ready to be integrated into an Ikomia workflow.

That’s it! With just a few simple steps, you can create your own algorithm using the Ikomia API and ikomia-cli.

Algorithm integration#

Once you have created and edited your algorithm, you can integrate it into a larger workflow using the Ikomia API.

Here are the basic steps for integrating your algorithm:

  1. Import the necessary modules from the Ikomia API:

from ikomia.dataprocess.workflow import Workflow
from ikomia.utils import ik
from ikomia.utils.displayIO import display
  1. Create a new workflow object:

wf = Workflow()
  1. Add your algorithm to the workflow:

my_algorithm = wf.add_task(ik.my_first_algo(), auto_connect=True)
  1. Connect the inputs and outputs of your algorithm to other tasks in the workflow as needed. This can be done using the auto_connect=True argument when adding your algorithm to the workflow, or by manually connecting inputs and outputs using the connect_tasks() method.

  2. Run the workflow on any input image:

  1. Retrieve the output of your algorithm and display it:

output_data = my_algorithm.get_output(0).get_image()

The full code:

from ikomia.dataprocess.workflow import Workflow
from ikomia.utils.displayIO import display
from ikomia.utils import ik

# Init the workflow
wf = Workflow()

# Add your algorithm
my_algo = wf.add_task(ik.my_first_algo(), auto_connect=True)

# Run on your image

# Inspect your results
output_data = my_algo.get_output(0).get_image()

By following these steps, you can easily integrate your algorithm into a larger workflow and process your data with other algorithms. You can also use the Ikomia STUDIO to create and visualize your workflow, and save your workflows for later use.